Musik für Nerds
Hach, ich hatte heute Nachmittag richtig Spaß mit diesem Lied:
Monzy - So Much Drama in the PhD

Das ist mal HipHop mit wirklich nerdlichen Metaphern:
"My lyrics get stolen by sucker MCs,
I gotta sign my rhymes with PGP;"
"I may not have a label but I rap like a star;
I'm an unsigned long int and you're an 8-bit char."
"Your mom circulates like a public key,
Servicing more requests than HTTP.
She keeps all her ports open like Windows ME,"
"I run gmake and gcc,
And I ain't never called malloc without calling free."
Monzy - So Much Drama in the PhD

Das ist mal HipHop mit wirklich nerdlichen Metaphern:
"My lyrics get stolen by sucker MCs,
I gotta sign my rhymes with PGP;"
"I may not have a label but I rap like a star;
I'm an unsigned long int and you're an 8-bit char."
"Your mom circulates like a public key,
Servicing more requests than HTTP.
She keeps all her ports open like Windows ME,"
"I run gmake and gcc,
And I ain't never called malloc without calling free."
bfe - 7. Nov, 20:00
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